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AICAR Nasal Spray Peptide Germany

AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside) is a naturally occurring peptide in the body that activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). It is commonly used as a pharmacological modulator to enhance AMPK activity. Research suggests that AICAR Nasal spray may have potential benefits in improving glucose tolerance, lipid profiles, and overall metabolic function.

AICAR 15ml Contains: 50mg

AICAR 30ml Contains: 100mg



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AICAR Nasal Spray

AICAR nasal spray peptide Germany (also known as AICA Ribonucleotide) is adenosine monophosphate’s analogue. Previously, it has been used to prevent myocardial ischemia after heart attacks. Furthermore, AICA ribonucleotide is an antioxidant that may help halt the ageing process. Diabetes, auto-immune disorders, and other inflammatory ailments are other areas currently been studies with AICAR peptide therapy.


Molecular Formula: C9H15N4O8P
Molecular Weight: 338.21 g/mol
Sequence: 5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide ribotide
aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide

Size: 15ml | 30ml


Muscle growth

Muscle fibres make up the basic skeletal muscle unit. Muscle fibre types in animal models affect meat quality. Therefore, AMPK protein activity was measured in gastrocnemius (GS) muscle fibre composition, enzyme activity, and muscle fibre type-related genes mRNA expression [1].

AICAR nasal spray peptide has been shown to increase muscle mass in the body, among other benefits. It is essential for both muscle growth and mass muscle preservation. Germany Clinical studies have also demonstrated that it can also slow down muscle loss.

According to Germany research, AICAR medicine has the potential to treat muscle wasting illnesses in the future. In addition, subjects found that AICAR’s muscle growth outcomes improve with rigorous exercise.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Recent Germany research suggests AICAR is involved in cellular inflammation. AICAR is closely related to metformin which is a long-used diabetic medication which proves to be beneficial partly due to its anti-inflammatory actions.

AICAR can protect against inflammatory diseases such as asthma, hepatitis, colitis, and atherosclerosis. AICA ribonucleotide has been shown in Germany studies on mice suffering with colitis to reduce inflammation [2]. This suggests that AICAR may also help reduce the symptoms of autoimmune disorders and other inflammatory ailments.


AICAR, an AMPK activator (activated protein kinase ampk), has been shown to improve sperm motility, fertilizing potential, and metabolism in studies conducted in animal studies using goats, cats, and chickens, among other species [3] [4].

Heart disease

Inflammation is a frequent cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Germany Research on animals has demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory effects of AICAR are so strong that it can help slow the progression of vascular disorders [5].

In one study, researchers wanted to see what would happen if they gave AICAR to murine models of atherosclerosis and observed the results [6]. The findings revealed that AICAR inhibited the growth of vascular smooth muscle, resulting in a reduction in both short- and long-term issues associated with stent implantation and placement.

According to the findings of the study, activation of AICA ribonucleotide appears to suppress immunological responses that are associated with atherosclerosis. Moreover, bad cholesterol (LDL) builds up in the bloodstream, causing macrophage proliferation, ultimately resulting in a heart attack. The use of AICAR can help prevent the spread of heart disease and heart attacks and therefore potentially lower their chances of occuring.

Insulin sensitivity

Extensive Germany research on mice shows that both high and low doses of AICAR nasal spray reduce inflammation in adipose tissue, which stores energy as fat [7].

Insulin resistance is linked to adipose tissue inflammation. Improved glucose homeostasis is possible by decreasing inflammation. For example, AICA ribonucleotide regulates inflammation in adipose tissue via SIRT1 and macrophages. Weight loss and improved insulin resistance were seen in clinical studies using obese monkeys.

Research using AICAR nasal spray peptide shows that both healthy and diabetic rodents have decreased inflammatory responses. There is also evidence that AICAR can help increase insulin sensitivity and reduce the symptoms of inflammation.


AICAR Nasal Spray peptide has proven to be an essential protein in metabolic pathways and energy balance, which also controls insulin receptors and improves insulin sensitivity in muscle cells. Experiments show that AICAR peptide hormone can fight cancer and preserve the heart. It also prevents early blood coagulation, historically, doctors utilized AICAR to keep the heart’s blood flowing.  AICA ribonucleotide also shows potential as a diabetes medication due to its ability to boost tissue metabolism. It does so by altering the body’s muscle composition.


[1] https://www.tandfonline.com/ doi/full/ 10.1080/ 09712119.2021.1889563

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC4398665/

[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 31079268/

[4] https://www.frontiersin.org/ articles/10.3389/ fcell.2017.00025/full

[5] https://www.frontiersin.org/ articles/10.3389/ fphar.2021.738420/full

[6] https://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/pii/ S0022282813002277

[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC2692788/

Buy AICAR Nasal Spray Peptide 15ml and 30ml

Pharma Lab Global Germany is one of the best locations to purchase high purity AICAR nasal spray for research use. Pharma Lab Global is a trusted supplier of peptides and sarms worldwide. You have the option to buy AICA Ribonucleotide Peptide and buy AICAR Pre Mixed peptide. Buy AICAR Peptide from Pharma Lab Global Germany today!


DISCLAIMER: All products sold by PharmaLabGlobal Germany are for in-vitro research and laboratory use only. These products are not designed for use or consumption by humans or animals. Nothing on this Website is intended to diagnose, heal, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. By purchasing from our Website the buyer accepts and acknowledges the risks involved with consumption and handling of these products. All articles and product information provided on this Website are for informational and educational purposes only. All products are to be handled by qualified and properly trained research or laboratory professionals only.

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15ml, 30ml